first of all, i appreciate that my leaders trust me and provide me a chance of job. i gained a lot of experience during the 4 month working time.
because i am a green hand in this field, i am no wiser than before to be familiar with the products or the business, so that i got a lot of difficulties to show my values and abilities. according to my hobbies and future career plan, i think i will be more suitable for administration.
therefore, i apply to change my position to administration department. please help to consider my idea.
best regards
以上是翻译,但我觉得这样写对你不好。 如果你的老板是外国人,你只能证明你的无能,你对行业和产品不熟悉4个月。 另外,你没有写关于你去管理的优势和理解。
你去管理部门后没有计划和意图。 一句空话,在外国人眼里,你就说再见了。
这四个方面是女性的主要纪律,不能没有。 那么,为什么一开始就用班昭的《女诫》作为引子呢? 这是因为这本书虽然记载了闺房的琐事和小孩子的闲暇,但是作为曹人想到的四种人,却一一记录清楚: >>>More