1 材质与红封试样不同。
2 上层的材质比红色印章的材质轻。
3 面料的修剪? 楣板也比红色印章轻。
4 边缘磨损。
5 带子(腰带? 手包带? )有针状断裂。
1. material is different with red seal.
1 material is different with red seal.
2. the upper material is lighter than red seal.
2 the upper material is lighter than red seal.
3. fabric laces also lighter than red seal.
3 fabric laces also lighter than red seal.
the above three points: bulk material is a little color, but it is the factory can be set to the bulk material in the closest, please help to confirm, thank you!
4. fraying lining.
4 fraying lining.
5. needle damage on strap.
5 needle damage on strap.
the above two points, the factory will be in bulk to make changes to the
1 材质不同,带有红色封条。
2 鞋面材质比红色印章轻。
3 布料蕾丝也比红色印章轻。
4 穿衬里。
当我忙于抚养三个孩子时,有一件事我没有考虑清楚。 我醒来的那一刻是不久前我正在帮我的三个女儿洗澡的时候。 我平时把最好的老爷子洗干净,先送出浴室,再帮老二洗。 >>>More